Security Vulnerability in MySQL

A serious security vulnerability discovered in MySQL was disclosed this weekend. It basically allows anyone to bypass authentication and log in directly into the database. We tried on a few 64bit Ubuntu systems and were able to replicate the issue (it seems that only 64 bit platforms are affected).

Crazy theory: Could this be related to the LinkedIn,, eHarmony and other recent breaches? Did any of them have MySQL exposed? Even worse, was this really a bug or a very clever backdoor? What you guys think?

Anyway, back to topic. Sergei Golubchik explained the issue in detail:

We have recently found a serious security bug in MariaDB and MySQL.
So, here, we’d like to let you know about what the issue and its impact
is. At the end you can find a patch, in case you need to patch an older
unsuported MySQL version.

All MariaDB and MySQL versions up to 5.1.61, 5.2.11, 5.3.5, 5.5.22 are

MariaDB versions from 5.1.62, 5.2.12, 5.3.6, 5.5.23 are not.

MySQL versions from 5.1.63, 5.5.24, 5.6.6 are not.

This issue got assigned an id CVE-2012-2122.

Here’s the issue. When a user connects to MariaDB/MySQL, a token (SHA
over a password and a random scramble string) is calculated and compared
with the expected value. Because of incorrect casting, it might’ve
happened that the token and the expected value were considered equal,
even if the memcmp() returned a non-zero value. In this case
MySQL/MariaDB would think that the password is correct, even while it is
not. Because the protocol uses random strings, the probability of
hitting this bug is about 1/256.

Which means, if one knows a user name to connect (and “root” almost
always exists), she can connect using *any* password by repeating
connection attempts. ~300 attempts takes only a fraction of second, so
basically account password protection is as good as nonexistent.
Any client will do, there’s no need for a special libmysqlclient library.


If you are running MySQL, make sure to patch it now! Even better, make sure that MySQL is not wide open to the internet and only listening locally. The following iptables rule helps to block remote access to it:

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 3306 -j DROP

You can also change your my.cnf to only bind to local address, minimizing the effect of the vulnerability:


If you also have PHPMyAdmin open, it could be used to leverage this vulnerability (even though we were not able to confirm).


HD Moore, posted a quick one-liner to check if you are vulnerable:

for i in `seq 1 512`; do echo ‘select @@version;’ | mysql -h -u root mysql –password=X 2>/dev/null && break; done

We will post more details if anything new comes up.

  1. Thank you for the alert; and for Sucuri Security’s constant stance on staying on top of things.

    I found and your posted one liner is different.   I believe you on the source; may I ask the url for your method (maybe it is on the same page as but I missed it).

    Also, please consider showing the test rules if the test shows vulnerable.  I know it would be the mysql console, but other readers might wonder what would be shown.

    Thank you.

  2. “It basically allows anyone to…login directly…” Arrgh. No, it doesn’t allow anyone to “login” (sic). It presumably allows anyone to “log in.” The verb, to “log in,” is two words. The single word is only a noun.

    (If “login” were a verb, ask yourself what the past tense would be: “I logined”?)

  3. Hello, glad I found your site. I have just had most of my sites hacked and a massive string of code starting with <?php /**/ eval(base64_decode has been added to ALL of the WordPress files, including the themes – as far as I can see at this stage.

    I did initially get WordPress Firewalls warnings that it had blocked
    heaps of attacks and I couldn't see anything wrong, so I thought it was
    all good.

    Until I went to look at one of my sites in the browser at one point and it wouldn't
    load. I saw the URL followed by /wp-doing-cron – or something like that. I
    have no cron jobs on my sites. That was only for a little while and otherwise all the hacked sites look OK in the browser, and work OK until I try to do something, and trigger some corruption.

    I am trying to go thru ftp and delete all the code – I am only 1/2 way thru the first blog at this stage and it has taken sooooo long. I have another 40 blogs to go.

    Question – will just deleting this code in all the files I find fix actually everything? And is there any way to automate this?

    I know of others who are having similar problems. Any advice would be most appreciated?

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