Fake piwik domain – piwik-stat

Labs Note

Piwik is an open source web analytics software that is used by many web masters. Andthe bad guys are using their popularity to try to make their malware injection harder todetect. They do that by injecting malicious javascript calls from a domain that looks like came from the Piwik project: www.piwik-stat.com/piwik.js. This is what is being injected:

<script src="httx://www.piwik-stat. com/piwik.js..
<iframe src="httx://www.piwik-stat. com/index.html..

It is not an uncommon tactic (we see if often with jquery), but as a web master if you see anythingfrom pwiki-stat or similar variations, it is likely fake. The official (and trusted one)is http://piwik.org/.

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