These days, the majority of store owners opt-in for the easiest closed-source ecommerce platform options. For the most part, these platforms typically allow users to…
A long-lasting malware campaign targeting deprecated, vulnerable versions of plugins continues to be leveraged by attackers to inject malicious scripts into affected websites. Easily automated…
We found the following PHP backdoor in August 2018 along with other malware samples uploaded after hackers exploit a specific vulnerable WordPress plugin covered in…
W97M/Downloader is part of a large banking malware operation that peaked in March 2016. Bad actors have been distributing this campaign for well over a…
We discovered a PHP backdoor on a WordPress installation that contained some interesting obfuscation methods to keep it hidden from prying eyes: $zz1 = chr(95).chr(100).chr(101).chr(115).chr(116).chr(105).chr(110).chr(97).chr(116).chr(105).chr(111).chr(110);…
We’ve come across an interesting approach to injecting credit card swipers into Magento web pages. Instead of injecting a real script, attackers insert a seemingly…
We discovered a xmlrpc.php brute-force tool in a malicious PHP script that appears to have been uploaded months ago after a vulnerable GDPR plugin exploit:…