Every month we analyze Alexa’s TOP 1 million site ranking and correlate that data with Google’s blacklist. Our goal is to get an overall view of the sites that are getting hacked, blacklisted, etc.
For Nov-2010, the number is pretty standard, but a little bit bellow from previous months. Out of those top 1 million sites, around 2.2 thousand got their main domain blacklisted (2,252 to be more exact) against 3 thousand from October. Out of the top 100k, more than 248 got blacklisted by Google.
Over time, only 636 sites that were blacklisted in previous months are still blacklisted and in the TOP 1 million ranking.
Those are the top 100 sites that got flagged and their respective ranking (You can get the full list here):
Out of the non-malicious blacklisted sites (the ones that got hacked and fixed), more than 14% were using WordPress and 13% were using osCommerce (largely attacked this month). A lot of “.co.cc” sites were well ranked (and blacklisted), but all of them were malicious in nature (phishing).
For our Canadian friends, rogersplus.ca (from Rogers, one of the biggest cable/TV/phone companies in Canada), got blacklisted as well.
We will post more details in future posts. If you have any question or comment about it, let us know.
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