Many website owners don’t know they’re infected with malicious redirects until they start getting calls from wary customers. Instead of the site they were expecting,…
During a recent investigation, our team found malicious code that reveals how attackers are performing reconnaissance to identify if sites are actively using WooCommerce in…
PHP web shells are a type of backdoor which, when left on compromised websites, allow attackers to maintain unauthorized access after initial compromise. To further…
Phishing attacks against targeted channels have been successful in the past, as explained last year on ZDNet. Recently, our Remediation team found an interesting phishing…
During an investigation, we identified a WordPress login stealer using the PHP functions curl and file_get_contents. The malicious code was injected into the core file…
While open-source ecommerce platforms are the most common targets for web skimmers, hackers also target paid-for software — especially if it’s used on high-profile online…
During a recent malware investigation, we found a fake WordPress plugin called M-Shield. We also found almost an identical plugin under the name kingof, with…
A website owner recently contacted us regarding a payment problem on their Magento website. A suspicious payment card form was loading for customers who were…