Sucuri – 2016 Redesign

Update: It was an April fools joke, if you did not realize it by now. The site is back in place.

A few weeks ago, while enjoying lunch on a bright sunny day in Southern California, our research and marketing teams were across the table from each other enjoying a fine feast. Unbeknownst to them, they quickly land themselves in the middle of a childish debate between Tony and I on the merits of design, our website, and what our customers really want. A friendly conversation on the relationship between malware, research, and the importance of the user’s experience from initial engagement through the entire product lifecycle became a debate, which then turned into a challenge, as is customary when we get together.

Somewhere in that engagement, words were thrown out… words like… “We could improve your website design with something that we know for a fact our audience wants!!!” That got a, “You wouldn’t know design if it hit you in the face”

The designers, a proud bunch, took the challenge. They gave the researchers a few weeks to work on it and create a concept that they felt would best relate with our audience. Something that would be more appealing to the eye, better communicate what we do, and streamline the experience for the customer.

Sucuri – Redesigned by our Research Team

The promise was simple. Follow through with a design and we’ll deploy it live and let our audience decide. For weeks they worked on the project silently, to the point that I myself felt they had forgotten. Apparently, after weeks of work and collaboration, they come up with a beautiful concept for our new home page.

Clean, fast & distraction free.

Enjoy, our new home page:

Coming to you live from your favorite security researchers. Designed by Fio. Built by Peter. Tested by Denis. Produced by Daniel. Security by Marc-Alexander. Moral Support by Mick. QA by Rodolfo. Extra by Antony.

Personally, I’m super proud of the team’s ingenuity and out-of-box thinking. I would love to report back on whether it’s a success. Please do let us know which design you prefer. 🙂 It’d be great if you’d let us know at @sucurisecurity if you prefer.

I think the research team might be on to something when it comes to marketing and customer acquisition. We could have a revolution on our hands.

  1. Boosh… Just wasted an hour and needed to log in but didn’t want to in case you were compromised. Happy April Fools Day. 😉

  2. Took a full five seconds of shock before I read the fine print and realized that YOU guys didn’t get hacked! So happy to have found this blog explanation, haha.

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