If you’re managing a WordPress site, it’s crucial to ensure it runs smoothly and securely. Many site owners worry that WordPress maintenance is a complex…
A vast majority of website malware employ the ever-familiar HTTP/HTTPS protocols for its malicious activities. But, we also periodically confront more interesting hybrid malware leveraging…
During a recent malware removal request, we found a compromised WordPress site being used to redirect to spam websites. The campaign was leveraging an increase…
Malware obfuscation comes in all shapes and sizes — and it’s sometimes hard to recognize the difference between malicious and legitimate code when you see…
Earlier this week, we published a blog post about an ongoing massive malware campaign describing multiple infection vectors that it uses. This same week, we…
If you own a website and collaborate with others, the principle of least privilege should never be questioned. It is a computer science principle which…
There is no more frustrating experience than knowing you need something, but not knowing which questions to ask. This resonates with website owners when they…
Many webmasters may not be aware that hackers are able to maliciously redirect cPanel pages. The specific tactic we describe in this article is unique.…
Having your website hacked can be a devastating experience for any website owner. Unfortunately, many website owners rarely know they are infected until days, if…